6:17 PM | Posted in ,

GPTrefs is very similar to one of my personal favorites PTCReferrals. But I think this one might become my new favorite. Here is why.

GPTrefs.com is a referral and network building club that makes it easier for you to promote all your programs in a single place. Ever wondered if you could make a blog or monitor site with all your referral links, but you simply have no programming or html knowledge? GPTrefs.com gives you your own web page for all your own referral links and banners. It is all about the power of duplication. It doesn't matter if you're already a member of any of the programs listed you just have to insert your referral ID to each program and you're done. You build multiple downlines in multiple programs by promoting just one referral link.

What makes this one stand out compared to
PTCReferrals is that you as a free member can add 3 of your own sites. This is simply a brilliant feature. This insures that you can promote your own favorite GPT programs and not just admins favorite sites. This makes this a recommended site to join.

Here is a quick breakdown of what
GPTrefs.com has to offer.

Pro Membership

# Special SignUp Bonus
You will be able to offer your programs all the way down to 5 levels!
# You can add 10 programs of your choice to the programs page for your downline to join.
You will earn commissions on 3 levels for referring other Pro Members.
Level 3:$1.00/month.
Pro membership fee is only $10.00/month. When you think about it, that's great
value for life!

Free Membership

# Special Signup Bonus
# You can build your downline in the programs added by your sponsor or by admin.
# You can add 3 programs of your choice(Not 1 as stated on frontpage)

Join in Today



1 Response to "GPTRefs.com"

  1. poohgal On January 22, 2009 at 2:39 AM

    Ok done! ^.^